Monday, July 5, 2010

Que!? COMO!? es 3:00 AM!

NO JOKE. This is why I can not keep a photo blog. I will go with verry long absences of posting anything  and then decide to post everything image I ever shot. Its like a fat kid who hasn't eat cake for a week and then come the birthday party on Saturday and watch out- you turn back and he has eaten the WHOLE DANG thing! i just wanted to put a few pics up but now its 3:23 AM!! But this is my last post even though I have a ton more Jerusalem photos I want to put up.

I wanted to put these photos up for two reasons:
A. I haven't shot anything in a loooong time. But I had a lot of fun doing these and they turned out really well
2. Alex has been a super awesome friend of mine for awhile now. It breaks my heart to think that she will be graduated by the time I get back from my mission.  I will miss her mucho much.


  1. Dang! Who is that good looking person?

  2. In the case that you happen to for some reason get on one more time, I would just like to say....dude this poor fat kid! First he hasn't got any teeth, and now no cake for a week? Man he has got it rough! In his circumstances I would most definitely have done the same thing. Love you a million and forever have a great mission!!!

    For the record- Dear Leanna...I love your stinkin guts....Love forever -Brittney
